Protection of our oceans against undesired dry and liquid waste pollution goes hand in hand with the proliferation of fit-for-purpose systems.
Through the years we have invested in a portfolio of technically superior systems for marine and offshore application. Our range of solutions provides ship-owners with machinery enabling an integrated waste management plan and design for a clean ship in support of self-imposed and regulatory environmental protection standards. The machinery is future-oriented with regards to Marpol 73/78 Annex V and Annex VI Regulation16 and meets the most stringent Polar code as well as special area rules.
On ships and offshore structures space is at a premium, therefore an investment in proper machinery makes sense, especially for ships with long periods of isolation.
More importantly, the waste management systems are crew friendly and support segregation, recycling and on-site processing in a reliable, safe, hygienic and sustainable manner. Under our umbrella we advise, design and built systems for:
Waste Recycling, Thermal Waste Treatment Destruction and Food Waste collection, processing and storage.