Scienco InTank
Scienco_InTank (since 1969) is a subsidiary of Biomicrobics a global designer and manufacturer of land- and marine based water treatment solutions. Innovation is at the heart of the company with the well-known FAST process for Marine Sanitation Devices as excellent example. Other innovative designs are the Scienco Danolyte and SciCHLOR hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite generators.
The company values quality in all aspects of their business: materials, engineering, manufacturing and service. These values are combined with design principles of simplicity, easy operability, robustness and reliability. These core principles are also reflected in the Scienco/FAST InTank Ballast Water Treatment Solution.
The InTank BWTS combines reliable hypochlorite generators or bulk chemical dosing with a patented nozzle design for effective treatment of invasive species inside ships water ballast tanks. The InTank WBTS is innovative as the solutions treats ballast water during vessels voyage distinguishing it from most of the other systems in the market. The method is surprisingly simple and similar to established and proven land-based water treatment technology based on the principles of circulation flow and active TRO measurement, for example swimming pools.
Furthermore, all treatment activities are performed at sea and without filters. In port we do nothing, so your vessel’s crew can focus on critical cargo operations. Set your own course! Decide for InTank!