Jan 15, 2015 – In furtherance of its Green Marine Capital (“GMC”) initiative, BW Ventures Limited(“BWV”) has completed an investment in Terragon Environmental Technologies (“Terragon”) – a technology company on the forefront of on-site waste-to-resource solutions.
Terragon’s Micro Auto Gasification System (“MAGS”) is currently the only small-scale, gasification-based waste-to-resource system that is commercially viable. MAGS can convert various organic waste streams to energy and bio-char using a process that is clean and simple enough to be operated anywhere and by anyone. It was the winner of the Lloyd’s 2014 List Awards for Technical Innovation (North America).Proven applications in the military, manufacturing and medical industries, along with isolated communities are indicative of MAGS’ full commercial reach. Applications onboard commercial vessels, the Canadian and US military, industry leaders in cosmetics, chemicals manufacturing, and in the Canadian Arctic have commenced and could potentially result in future installations. Further, Terragon is also in the process of demonstrating various wastewater treatment systems for ships and the military, which are expected to be commercially ready in 2015.
Green Marine Capital recognizes the potential of Terragon to provide a safer, more environmentally friendly and economically viable waste management alternative in the marine market. GMC will draw on the deep-rooted maritime heritage of its partners to help Terragon better marinize their innovative technologies, expand business development and assist in market penetration.
Dr. PanayotisTsantrizos, CEO of Terragon, says “Terragon is committed to enabling the on-site conversion of materials, currently considered to be waste, to valuable resources. We are extremely proud of our strategic partnership with Green Marine Capital, which will help us accelerate the commercialization of our technologies and our innovative approach of waste utilization.”
Terragon Environmental Technologies is a Canadian cleantech firm providingoff-grid waste management solutions to the marine, military and industrial markets, along with isolated communities.For more information, visit www.terragon.net
Green Marine Capital (GMC) is a sector specific growth capital investor. GMC is a maritime partnership which invests in businesses that offer products or services that have immediate or future relevance in the maritime sector. These are typically technology-based companies that address some aspect of minimizing the environmental impact of maritime related activities. Environmental impact, regulatory changes, and cost savings are the three themes that guide the Partnership’s investments. GMC has significant capital and competence to deploy towards green technologies with maritime potential. GMC has offices in Oslo and Singapore. For more information, visit www.greenmarinecapital.com